Thursday, November 26, 2020

Aerodynamics - Rockets

 Today I was Learning about aerodynamics. aerodynamics is when air is moving around objects like a airplane's wings. Room 9 had to use tinker cad to design some fins, because we are learning about rockets and how aerodynamics helps the rocket fly. What did I do well? It was very easy to make the fins for the rockets but it was very hard to make the fins flat on the floor so that the fins can print properly. Overall I found this learning to be very interesting as I am very curious to see what the fins we printed, how it changes the rockets flight. Next time I think I need to remember to make my designs flat so that it can be printed properly by the 3D printer. Here is a link to see what kind of fins I made.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Hello, Today we were learning about Rockets and their meaning so I did a little scratch project to show you guys some facts For example did you know that Newtons 3rd law has something to do with rockets and basically everything. Newtons 3rd law is "for every action there is a reaction" it seems quite simple but it is very complicated.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Clouds - Levi and Isaiah

Reflective Questions

What did I find challenging? 

It was when I didn't know how to add words to the pictures.

How did I overcome it?  

Mr Walker showed me how to add words to the pictures.

If I were to do it again what would you do differently?

Sit with someone who knows how to do it. 

What did I enjoy about it? 

Nothing because it wasn't that interesting.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Simple Algebra (SO EASY!!!!!!!!)

 Today I was learning about Simplifying like terms in algebra. I found this very easy, as I was very used to doing this kind of maths. 

My next steps are nothing

Check out this link on simplifying like terms algebra 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Levi and David - Me and my mates hanging out (totally not a edited photo).


What is Media? 
Media is a social media platform that allows you to share stuff online on apps like, instagram, facebook tiktok etc. 
Today we where learning about what photo's are real and which are fake. 
after that we had to edit photos and put ourselves in them to make it look we were there. 
this was the photo me and David edited.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Why should we be silent during tests? - Levi Fonua

Here is a video on Why should we be silent during tests.