Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Algebra Task 6 - T4 W6

Today bloggers we did some more stuff on Algebra!!!!!!. We had to use the rules in the boxes to find out the first 4 terms in the number sequence. As I did more and more questions it bacame harder. But this maths was not challenging at all since all of them are right!. On the right side is basically extension questions, the second question was to use the rule in the first question to find out the 12th term, 30th term and 65th term of the number sequence. To find that out the easiest way to answer it is to replace the letter n in the rule with the number term so for example, to find out the 12th term using 4n+9 I did 4x12(the number 12 is replaced with the letter n because it is the sequence term)+9= 57, and it was right. In conclusion I would really reccomend it to people who want to learn more stuff on Algebra. Until next time. Oh and quick note the letter n is just a letter used to replace numbers, they are also called variables. Blog Ya Later!

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