Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Levi - Why We Have Rules And Laws?

Today we did stuff on road codes and how they keep us safe on the road. The google doc above has a chart of rules and why they are important for example. Traffic lights - red, orange and green and how they direct traffic so it is as safe as possible. That concludes my blog post about rules and laws. I hope you liked my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Levi - Idiom Scavenger Hunt!

Today we did a idiom scavenger hunt. Whats a Idiom? you might ask, a idiom is a figure of speech, It has a saying and a meaning for example the teacher spilled the beans on the table meaning she literally spilled a can on beans on the table but the saying means like she spilled the beans as in she spilled the secrets. It was very challenging cause at first I didnt know what idioms were until our teacher explained to us what idioms are. The main purpose was to learn how to use idioms in our writing so it is better. That concludes my blog post about idioms. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Monday, August 30, 2021

Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe! - Levi

Today Since the caramel cookies were so nice, I decided to make another type of cookies, so I made the iconic chocolate chip cookies. It tasted very yummy and I recommend it to everyone. That concludes my blog post about cooking. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Levi - A - Z Alphabet challenge 3

Today we did another A - Z challenge, the challenge was to find verbs that start with that letter. But it has to be in alphabetical order. I managed to finish it but i didnt have time to put more verbs into the boxes. It was very easy cause I searched up some verbs for like q, x or z. My next steps are to concentrate more so that I can fill in the boxes with more verbs in the letter. That concludes my blog post about the A - Z challenge. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Levi - A - Z Alphabet challenge 2

Today for the A - Z alphabet challenge 2, we had to find collective nouns for stuff like a flock of birds or a pride of lions. But we had to find out collective nouns in alphabetical order, it was very easy cause I looked for the answers on google and I almost finished it I had to do the last 4 letters of the alphabet to finish the A - Z challenge 2. We only do this if we come early on online classes. It was very fun and easy. My next steps are to try and get more work done so that it is finished in the time period we have. That concludes my blog post about this challenge. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Levi - Scavanger Hunt 2

Today we did another Scavanger Hunt but it was different. It was a blog Scavanger Hunt!, we had to find stuff on blogs or find like where you can find blogs or making comments on blogs!. It was hard since we only had like 10 mins I only finished 4 out of the 16 tasks I just did the easiest tasks or the tasks that had the answer on my blog. It was very hard but fun at the same time. That concludes my blog post about Scavanger Hunts. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!.

Levi - Probability 3

Today for maths we did a game called Highest Sum which is where you spin a wheel full of positive and negative numbers and you recored all 10 spins you did. After that you add the first 5 spins altogether then you record your last 5 spins then you add or minus if its a negative number to the number you had after the first 5 spins then thats the number you have. I got 28 as my score and my partner Gammado got - 9 for his score cause he got heaps of minus numbers when he spinned the wheel ten times. That concludes my maths for today. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Rules and Laws - Levi

Today we did some stuff on rules and laws and some of the consequences you can get if you break those kinds of laws. There is heaps of different types of laws and rules like school rules and home rules. That concludes my blog post about law and rules. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Levi - A - Z alphabet challenge

Today we did an A - Z alphabet challenge. The challenge was to find proper nouns that start with that letter like names of places, names eg. P for Paris, C for Canada etc. It was very fun and hard at the same time because we had to find out proper nouns that started with the letter x y and z which was very hard to find out. That concludes my blog post about this challenge. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Levi - Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday we did a scavenger hunt to find things on our class site. Which was fairly easy but I didnt have enough time to finished the last 4 tasks to finish the scavenger hunt. It was very fun. Next time I wish we could do another scanvenger hunt with my class but find stuff outside and inside, and that concludes my blog post about scavenger hunting. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Levi - Probability 2

Today for maths we had to roll a dice and then we recorded the 18 rolls onto a tally chart on google slides. Up the top shows how theoretical probability and experimental probability is way more different then you seem. Theoretically each time I had to roll the dice 18 times each side of the dice wouldve landed on it 3/18 rolls. But when we did an experment it was way more diffrent like the number 5 was rolled the most with 5/18 rolls. That concludes my maths for today. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Fitness Challenge - Levi


Yesterday I went for a 10km walk with my family to get out of our comfort zone and to keep our bodies active. It was very fun. My Next steps are to walk 10km everyday. I had to make a blog post about fitness It was a challenge our P.E teachers said to do and here it is. I hope you guys like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Caramel Cookie Recipe! - Levi

Today I made cookies for my last blog before Wednesday!. The google doc up the top has the full recipe of the CARAMEL cookies!. they tasted very nice. It was so Delicious. I hope you like my blog post today. Blog Ya Later! 

Chapter Book Challenge Set 1 - Levi

Today I had to make a blog post about this chapter on a book called "ban this book" its a very strange name but it has a very good story just from reading 1 chapter of the book its so detailed and its intresting especially the part when the main character finds out that her favourite book has been banned from the library. Things I need to work on is to not get lazy when doing reading but to atleast try my best. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

PMI - Levi

Today I was just going to blog this since I finished it yesterday its about this story about a boy named Anaru who goes to buy new shoes that would be good for basketball since he liked playing that sport. Even though he got it when he went home to try it on it was a perfect fit! but after like 5 days or so they ripped!. He was sad but then he thought he could get it repaired etc. And in the end we as a class (room 9) decided to make a PMI chart on the decisions he made and some that were intresting. Up the top is the PMI chart about Anaru and his shoes. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Probability - Levi

I am learning about probability and how it works. The task was to flip a coin 20 times and which ever one it landed on we recoreded the data in the google slide up the top. I was very successful cause me and my partner Gammado got to choose which one they would want to record and I chose tails and he chose heads. I won with 12/20 flips and he had 8/20 flips being heads. I hope you guys like my blog post about probability. Blog Ya Later!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Chapter Book Challenge 1 - Reading

Last week we got to choose a book there were 2 books Gold! and Sonny Bill. I chose the Sonny Bill book. We then had to answer the questions on this google slide called the chapter book challenge. It was very intresting about how Sonny Bill Williams survived a earthquake in christchurch. Next time I want to do another chapter book challenge but about the gold! book. hope you guys liked my blog post. Blog Ya Later!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Olympics - Levi

Here is a presentation of the Olympics this slideshow shows the mascots for both the Olympics and the Paralympics and the ioc and some facts about a NZ athlete. This term we were learning about the Olympics since the Olympics has already started. I have been very successful about learning about the Olympics my next step are to probably learn stuff about the winter Olympics.

Spanish Words - Levi

This term we have started to learn Spanish for languages, since we tried to learn Japanese in term 1 we decided to try and learn another language and so majority of the class chose to learn Spanish. Right now I've just learnt some basic words in Spanish like hombre = man, nino = boy and leche = milk etc. my next steps are to learn some complex words like jacket or pants. blog ya later!