Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Chinese Proverb - Levi

Today we got to choose a proverb and a picture about its meaning. But not just any other normal proverb. A Chinese proverb!. My proverb that I chose is a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And in the background is a picture of a footprint which is the meaning for my proverb. And I also put what I think it means. That concludes my blog post about Chinese language week. I hope you like my blog post. Blog Ya Later!


  1. Afternoon Levi, this proverb is very true. It doesn't amtter what we want to achieve, how big or small it starts with us taking the first step! Have you set any goals for the holidays? I have, after the holiday maybe you can guess what it is.

  2. Mōrena Levi, we like your poster and we like the image of a foot that you chose. This picture reminds Elizabeth of when she first started learning maths. It was hard at first but she just started learning her doubles to start with. Maybe you could share an example from your life of when this proverb has been true? And maybe you could show the foot that left the footprint. From Room 2 @ May Road School.


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